Malignant skin tumors (cancers)

The most frequent skin tumor is definitely the basalioma (also: basal cell carcinoma) that almost always occurs in anatomic regions that are exposed to light. This tumor doesn’t create metastases, reason for which it does not lead to deceases through this way of dissimination. However, it is to be considered malignant because if not healed it starts to irrevocably devour the tissue that is closely around it.
Other, less frequent forms of cancer are the following (listed by frequency):

- Actinic and precancerous keratosis
- Basalioma
- Spinalioma
- Melanoma

The Neomapping SA would like to remind you that the reading of this web site and other recommended sites does not justify any form of auto-diagnosis or auto-medication and does in no case replace an appointment with one of the specialized doctors in our centers.


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